PHP Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: escape sequence is invalid in character class at offset 33 in /opt/ogspy/mod/expedition/_xtense.php on line 187
else if(preg_match($regexRess, $content, $expRess) != 0){
logging("Ressources1 : ".$expRess[1]);
logging("Ressources2 : ".$expRess[2]);
// L`attaquant obtient Antimatière (AM) 310.Extrait du journal
log_('debug', $expRess[2]);
if(preg_match("/Métal/", $expRess[1]))
$typeRess = 0;
$met = str_replace('.','', $expRess[2]);
$cri = 0;
$deut = 0;
$antimat = 0;
if(preg_match("/Cristal/", $expRess[1]))
$typeRess = 1;
$met = 0;
$cri = str_replace('.','', $expRess[2]);
$deut = 0;
$antimat = 0;
if(preg_match("/Deutérium/", $expRess[1]))
$typeRess = 2;
$met = 0;
$cri = 0;
$deut = str_replace('.','', $expRess[2]);
$antimat = 0;
if(preg_match("/Antimatière/", $expRess[1]))
$typeRess = 3;
$met = 0;
$cri = 0;
$deut = 0;
$antimat = str_replace('.','', $expRess[2]);
if($typeRess == -1)
die("Parsing Error");
logging("Ressources : Insertion table : ".TABLE_EXPEDITION);
$query =
(user_id, date, pos_galaxie, pos_sys, type)
VALUES ($uid, $timestamp, $galaxy, $system, 1)";
$idInsert = $db->sql_insertid();
logging("Ressources : Insertion table : ".TABLE_EXPEDITION." = OK");
logging("Ressources : Insertion table : ".TABLE_EXPEDITION_RESS);
$query =
(id_eXpedition, typeRessource, metal, cristal, deuterium, antimatiere)
VALUES ($idInsert, $typeRess, $met, $cri, $deut, $antimat)";
logging("Ressources : Insertion table : ".TABLE_EXPEDITION_RESS." = OK");
return true;
25/04/2020 21:23:06 : [admin] kaamelott modifie les paramètres du serveur
[0] =>
fonction => traitement_universe
ligne => 94
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => sql_query
ligne => 321
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => DieSQLError
ligne => 138
file => /srv/www/
25/04/2020 21:21:51 : Erreur critique mysql - Req : UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate - Erreur n°1054 Unknown column 'U.player_id' in 'field list'
25/04/2020 21:21:04 : kaamelott se connecte
[0] =>
fonction => traitement_universe
ligne => 94
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => sql_query
ligne => 321
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => DieSQLError
ligne => 138
file => /srv/www/
25/04/2020 20:53:26 : Erreur critique mysql - Req : UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate - Erreur n°1054 Unknown column 'U.player_id' in 'field list'
[0] =>
fonction => traitement_universe
ligne => 94
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => sql_query
ligne => 321
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => DieSQLError
ligne => 138
file => /srv/www/
25/04/2020 20:52:09 : Erreur critique mysql - Req : UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate - Erreur n°1054 Unknown column 'U.player_id' in 'field list'
[0] =>
fonction => traitement_universe
ligne => 94
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => sql_query
ligne => 321
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => DieSQLError
ligne => 138
file => /srv/www/
25/04/2020 20:52:01 : Erreur critique mysql - Req : UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate - Erreur n°1054 Unknown column 'U.player_id' in 'field list'
[0] =>
fonction => traitement_universe
ligne => 94
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => sql_query
ligne => 321
file => /srv/www/
[0] => UPDATE ogspy_universe as U INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_universe as T ON ( U.galaxy = T.g AND U.row = T.r AND U.system = T.s ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_players as P ON ( T.id_player = P.id_player ) INNER JOIN ogspy_superapix_alliances as A ON ( A.id_alliance = P.id_ally ) SET U.player_id = T.id_player , U.ally_id = P.id_ally , U.moon = T.moon , = T.name_planete , = A.tag , U.player = P.name_player , U.status = P.status , U.last_update = T.datadate , U.last_update_user_id = T.sender_id WHERE U.last_update <= T.datadate
fonction => DieSQLError
ligne => 138
file => /srv/www/
Erreur n°1054 Unknown column 'U.player_id' in 'field list'
est la plus importante. Il y a un problème de colonne dans la table SQL